How to Keep Your Outdoor Furniture Looking New

Few pieces take more punishment than outdoor furniture. Whether it’s getting soaked at a pool party or braving a blizzard, it’s bound to take some abuse. That’s why it’s good to give your outdoor furnishings some occasional TLC. While today’s outdoor fabrics and finishes are built to withstand the elements, an annual cleaning can go a long way toward making them last for many years to come.

Cushion Care

Today’s outdoor fabrics are extremely durable, but dirt and grime can dull even the toughest weaves. Start by dusting off surface dirt, then use a sponge or soft bristle brush to apply a solution of ¼ cup mild detergent (like Dawn or Woolite) diluted in 1 gallon of water. Rinse thoroughly to remove all the soap and allow the fabric to air dry, and your cushions should be as bright and cheery as the day you bought them.

If your cushion covers are canvas, you can likely remove them and toss them in the washer. If you don’t have removable cushions, grab a bar of Fels-Naptha soap and apply suds using a soft bristle brush. This strategy also works well for removing tough stains like bird droppings from canvas awnings.

Wicker Maintenance

If your furnishings are in good condition, all they’ll likely need is a quick vacuuming and a wipe-down with a cloth dipped in a mild detergent dilution. Scrub off stubborn grime with a bristle brush dipped in the same solution, then rinse with a cloth saturated in plain water.

More about How to Keep Your Outdoor Furniture Looking New

How to Keep Your Outdoor Furniture Looking New

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