Guessing Game: What Might Our Living Rooms Say About Us?

Like fashion, people’s home design and decor choices say a lot about them. We don’t want to jump to conclusions or judge a book by its cover, but often it’s not too hard to understand some basics of a person’s lifestyle by looking at a room.

And that’s because most of us want our houses to say something about us. We want them to be comfortable and functional, yes. But when it comes to aesthetics, those of us who care at all generally do so because decorating is a form of self-expression. It projects our moods and values and interests. It even expresses our most basic temperaments.

Any stranger walking into my living room can immediately tell a few things about my family: We have kids, we read a lot, we travel, we’re busy and not overly concerned with neatness. It wouldn’t be hard to also guess our political affiliations, our income level, our religious leanings and how we like to spend our leisure time.

Here are my guesses at the lives behind these 13 living rooms. I haven’t clicked on the photos to learn anything about them (including their location). So I could be very wrong on all accounts, but it’s a fun game.

What are your guesses? And what does your living room actually say about you?

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